• Corozo buttons.
  • Corozo buttons.
  • Corozo buttons.
  • Corozo buttons.
  • Corozo buttons.
  • Corozo buttons.

    Corozo buttons.

    Regular price £40

    A not-so-small detail at CLOTH.WORK:

    Our coats and jackets have interchangeable buttons.
    It's not that they don't love their horn buttons,
    but a dalliance with rust or cream corozo keeps things fresh.
    A nod to the season, a play on the untraditional.
    Because, according to some, a little variety makes the love last longer. 

    Interchangeable buttons. Works with the Cotton Outercoat, The Chore Jacket, and the Harris Tweed coat. 

     100% Corozo buttons.
    Made in Italy.
    Sold in sets of 5.
